
Ag on Instagram: The best farm photos from April 30, 2019


We bring you some of the best farm photos on Instagram for April 30. Want to get listed in this daily feature? Be sure to hashtag your pics with #agdaily!

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Today is the first branding we’ll host at our new New Mexico home — It will be different without the same faces & hands we’ve had helping us for so many years, but my prayer remains the same: Lord, Thank you for this day and the life you have given us. We could never earn such abundance. Today we pray for safety, good memories, and grace. Help us to provide our livestock and our crew with a low stress experience that has You written all over it. Let the old teach the new, and the new respect the old. Let the loops be pretty AND effective… and let there be laughter when they’re not. We thank you for good horses, hot irons, and clear skies. Bless these cattle and bless the market months from now, Lord. Bless the hands that come to help, and bless the eyes that come to watch. Bless the food and the hands the prepared it. Above all, be with us and help us glorify you in our work, Lord. Amen.

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