3D printing gives farmer’s daughter new scalp, full head of hair

· July 17, 2018

An Ohio woman now has a full head of hair thanks to the latest innovation in 3D printing. Twelve years ago Patty Robinson was helping her father with a grader on the family’s tractor when her long ponytail got caught in the machine. The freak accident ripped her scalp from the nape of the neck to her eyelids and put her in the hospital for over six weeks.

Robinson went through several hairpieces over the years but it proved difficult in finding one that would work with the sensitivity of her scalp and the loss of her ears. Now through 3D printing Robinson has found an alternative that works amazing. In fact she tells WKYC, it feels like a “second skin.”

(Note: Video starts at 0:37)

Tags: Agriculture News, Farm Safety, Technology

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