SD ranch shows why you don’t want to pet the buffalo in PSA

· July 12, 2018

This week a South Dakota ranch decided to address why taking a bison selfie is not a good idea with their PSA video “Don’t Pet the Buffalo.” And it’s gone viral.

777 Bison Ranch, which has been raising bison for over 30 years in southwestern South Dakota, put together the video with Toby Brusseau Productions. But when the 100 percent grass fed operation released the video, many thought the video footage was real.

In their Facebook post, 77 Bison Ranch said:

“The 777 Bison Ranch has obtained exclusive footage of an unknown, outrageous tourist disrespecting nature and the bison. *The following clip contains mature footage that may be disturbing to many and to view at their own risk. Please forward on to family and friends so we can correctly identify him and he can be brought to justice!”

While the outrageous tourists in the clip are actors, the footage does draw attention to the dangers of getting too close to the animals.

Tags: Livestock News, Ranch Life, Tourist Tips, Agritourism

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